

​Rhodes requires every graduate to have developed intermediate proficiency in a second language. (我们称之为F10要求.学生可以通过以下三种方式之一来满足这一要求:

  1. By continuing study at Rhodes of a language they began in high school and successfully completing a third-semester (201) or higher course (202 and above) in that language.
  2. Starting a new language at Rhodes and successfully completing the third semester (201).
  3. By passing an examination offered by the appropriate Rhodes department. 具体请参见下文.

The language must be one that is offered by the Department of Modern Languages or the Department of Ancient Mediterranean Studies.

现在, 然而, as you develop your plan of study for next year and begin choosing classes, we want to place you in the appropriate class if you intend to continue with a language you have studied in high school.


如果你已经 ancient Greek in high school or at another college or university, the Department of Ancient Mediterranean Studies will communicate with you via email and provide information about the appropriate course or courses to take this coming fall based on the information you submitted in the application process. 如果你已经 Latin in high school or at another college or university, please take our short 放置调查. You should receive our recommendations for your fall schedule within a few days of taking the survey. If you have questions about the placement process or our program in general, 我们诚邀您联系 Dr. 杰夫贝克韦尔.

To provide you with a general idea of which course might be right for you, 请参考下表:

如果你已经 . . .你可以考虑 . . .

如果你有兴趣在365betapp下载开始古希腊语或拉丁语, 古希腊的顺序从秋天开始,从希腊语101开始, 星期一和星期三中午12点到下午12点50分开会.m. 周二和周四下午3:30到4:20.m. 拉丁序列开始于 春天 semester with Latin 101, which will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12:00 to 12:50 p.m. 周四下午4:30到5:20.m.

If you have an extensive background in ancient Greek or Latin but do not intend to continue with your study of those languages at Rhodes, you may fulfill your F10 requirement by taking the final examination from Greek 201 or Latin 201. Language placement exams will take place during Welcome Week; please consult the Welcome Week schedule. If you plan on taking the Greek 201 examination, you should contact Professor Jansen by email at jansenj@stephenandjenny.com. If you intend to take the Latin 201 examination, please contact Professor Sick by email at sick@stephenandjenny.com .

For information on the Hebrew program at Rhodes, please contact Professor Steve McKenzie at mckenzie@stephenandjenny.com . 目前,365betapp下载只提供圣经希伯来语课程. It is possible to fulfill the F10 requirement by completing Hebrew 201 or by passing the proficiency exam.

Placement Examinations for French, 德国, 俄罗斯, Spanish, or Chinese

The Department of 现代语言文学 offers an online placement examination for students who have taken French, 德国, 俄语或西班牙语. A paper placement examination is given to students who have taken Chinese. Even if you if are not planning on continuing a language you took in secondary school, you should take these tests to determine at what level you place for your own and your advisor's records. If you are beginning a language you have never studies there is no need to take the placement test in that language.

Because the exam is just a way for us to place you in the correct level for your language, you do not need to prepare for the exam and you will not need any reference materials (textbooks, 字典, 等.)来完成. Should the exam indicate that you have placed into a 202 course or beyond, you will be required to meet with faculty in your language for follow up. In other words, you have not fulfilled the F10 language requirement simply by taking this test.

请注意,学过两年或两年以上法语的学生, 德国, 俄罗斯, Spanish or Chinese in high school may not take a 101 class for credit in that language. Students in this category whose placement exam 分数 indicates that 101 is the best level to start study at Rhodes have three options:

  1. enroll in a 101 course for no credit with the permission of the instructor
  2. do an intensive review at another institution before enrolling in 102
  3. 考虑从101开始学习另一门语言

For inquiries about modern languages (other than Greek and Latin), please contact: Dr. 韩力,现代语言文学,硕士 hanl@stephenandjenny.com.

If you are a student of Chinese language and seek to take a placement test,请不要参加网络考试. A paper placement test of Chinese is offered on the designated dates indicated on your Welcome Week schedule. 你也可以联系教授. 韩丽通过电子邮件发送到 hanl@stephenandjenny.com 如有任何问题或信息..

To take the online exam for French, 德国, 俄语或西班牙语 - read the directions below.

在线分班考试由艾默生管理. 一旦你仔细阅读了这个页面,你可以点击下面的链接, 怎样才能到艾默生网站呢, 您将在哪里创建帐户. The exam length varies for everyone since it adjusts to your responses. You may only take the exam once and you must acknowledge that your conduct abides by the Rhodes 荣誉准则 before taking the exam.


  1. Fill in your name, student ID, and email address in the appropriate fields. 创建一个你会记住的密码.
  2. 你可以选择参加任何语言考试. 选择你打算在365betapp下载继续学习的语言. 
  3. 参加考试前调查和分班考试.
  4. 考试结束后, 有你名字的屏幕, 分数, 然后就会出现一个将你置于关卡中的图表. Print or write down the results and bring them to your first advising session.
  5. 打印出结果后退出考试.
  6. 如果你的考试被打断, 再次登录并单击“Resume”." 


点击下面的荣誉守则, you acknowledge that you have read the 荣誉准则 and promise to abide by it while taking the language placement test. Once you have done so, you will be automatically directed to the test site.